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In Japan, you can learn to smile for £44 per session! - You better smile good

In Japan, a smile training course is being held for those who are accustomed to wearing face masks during the COVID-19 pandemic.

After about 3 years of wearing masks, due to the outbreak of Covid-19, the Japanese government decided last March to allow its citizens not to wear masks, but some, like Himawari Yoshida, received the decision with some fear because they were used to life with it. “Sky News” network quoted Yoshida as saying: “I did not use my facial muscles much during the outbreak of the Corona virus in Japan.”

She added that she is now using the services of what is known as a "smile coach", which rehabilitates people to be able to show a smile on the face again.

Keiko Kawano supervises the training of Yoshida and many other young people to smile, through several techniques, most notably installing mirrors to show faces, and stretching the sides of the mouths with fingers.

Kawano's business, Teaching Smile, has seen demand for lessons quadruple, with a class costing £44.

Kawano attributed this increase in demand for her lessons to abandoning the restrictions that were associated with Corona, and the desire of young people to return to their normal lives before the epidemic, in addition to the search for many of them for jobs that require a smile, she said.

Source: Sky News Arabia Source: Sky News Arabia -


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