Everyone has a superpower that might not know about: the power to make another person glow.
A study found that we underestimate how happy someone feels after they receive a compliment. As a happiness and well-being expert, I always remind people that these small acts of kindness have a big impact.
Here are nine simple phrases you can use today to instantly brighten someone's day:
“I am proud of you.” “I see your gifts.”
“Tell me more about that.”
“I love you as you are.”
“I am grateful for you.”
“You are making a difference.”
“You inspire me.”
“You changed my life.”
“You can do this.”
Read the full article on the link below to know when each sentence can make a big impact in someone's life, on different occasions.
Every compliment you give comes with a bonus. It doesn't just make the other person feel good; it makes you feel great as well!😉👏
Source news published on November 22-2022 by Stephanie Harrison of The New Happy for CNBC: https://www.cnbc.com/2022/11/22/say-these-little-phrases-to-instantly-brighten-someones-day-according-to-happiness-expert.html