According to Dr. Dennis Bani, excessive hygiene can lead to an imbalance of the natural microflora of the skin and mucous membranes and create favorable conditions for the multiplication of microorganisms.
The doctor said in an interview with RT: “Repeated washing of the hands and body can cause thinning of the skin’s natural protective sebum layer, making it more vulnerable to pathogens. The decrease in numbers and resistance to beneficial bacteria usually found on the skin that protect it from infections, and may lead to the development of eczema.” Dermatitis, pink rashes and other skin diseases.
He adds: “In addition, the continuous use of antibacterial substances can lead to the development of microbial resistance to antibiotics, as well as an increase in allergies and autoimmune diseases. Scientific studies have shown that children who grow up in highly sterile conditions are more likely to suffer from allergies, including bronchial asthma. This is explained by the absence of real 'enemies', so the immune system begins to attack the body's own cells."
According to the doctor, it is necessary at the same time to follow the rules of personal hygiene. Because it helps avoid a number of respiratory, digestive, and skin diseases. That is, there must be a balance between safety measures and excessive hygiene that harm the body.
He says: "Hands must be washed periodically, especially before eating and after the toilet, public places, or contact with a sick person. In general, the duration of washing hands should not be less than 20 seconds."
Source: RT - Publication date: 11.12.2023 -https://r.rtarabic.com/wkqe