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A specialist explains how to relieve the discomfort of ringing and phantom tinnitus👂

Some people may complain of a strange, static phantom sound in one or both ears, and the noise is often loud, distracting, and frightening — and it doesn't go away

The type of voice varies from patient to patient: wheezing, blowing, hissing, ringing, roaring, growling, squealing, or a combination of all. But whatever the sound, the condition is called tinnitus. The thing common to tinnitus sufferers is that the sound is not an external sound. Instead, the noise would sound inside their heads.

Approximately 20 million in the USA suffer from chronic, debilitating tinnitus, and another 2 million suffer from severe and debilitating tinnitus. The condition seems to affect middle-aged people the most, as well as younger patients and even teenagers with tinnitus.

What causes the noise?

Some researchers say that tinnitus is generated in the ear. Others hypothesize that it occurs in the brain. But nothing is certain. At the moment, there is no cure however, audiologists have many strategies to help patients cope. And for most people, a lot can be done to reduce their discomfort from it

Some factors can also cause or contribute to tinnitus include sinus infections, fever, the flu, emotional stress, caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, and certain medications, such as aspirin, ibuprofen, and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. When people stop drinking these drinks or taking these medications, the tinnitus usually goes away on its own or, at least, decreases in intensity.

People with tinnitus should have an ear exam to rule out minor causes such as earwax buildup, infection, or a perforated eardrum. They should also undergo a comprehensive audiological test to assess their tinnitus

By the time they visit a doctor, many patients are already in a cycle of stress: tinnitus increases stress, stress and stress adds to tinnitus, stress increases again, and so on.

This is why it is so important for a doctor to be reassured that tinnitus is not serious or life-threatening, and is not a sign or symptom of something more serious.

This simple reassurance is often enough for most people to successfully manage their tinnitus. The goal is to get patients to a place where the condition does not distract them as they go into a new day of life, or does not keep them awake at night.

YouTube has many sound-generating videos that can help cancel out the uncomfortable sound, and some have black screens running all night.

Free smartphone applications are available; For some people, air conditioning, fans, audio machines, television, and radio can be effective in masking tinnitus

There are also sound-producing devices that can be placed in the ear to help counteract tinnitus

For those with hearing loss, regular hearing aids may mask tinnitus by creating background noise while at the same time helping patients hear.

Some types of antidepressants and anti-anxiety medications work.

For some patients, tinnitus retraining therapy works. It combines cognitive behavioral therapy with a programmed noise-canceling device that plays pleasant music - with the patient's humming tone built into the music. The theory is that because the patient associates tinnitus with pleasurable music, the tinnitus is no longer cause for concern or stress

Research shows that 80% of patients get at least some benefit from treatment

But be careful about the many supplements on the market that claim to treat or reduce tinnitus. No scientific study has ever shown that these supplements treat this condition

Published on Saturday, December 17, 2022, Source News


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