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Physical symptoms caused by excessive smartphone 📱use which we shouldn't ignore!

Recent studies indicate that excessive smartphone use may be linked to numbness or tingling sensations in the fingers, indicating potential health concerns.

In addition to physical discomfort, prolonged phone use can contribute to repetitive strain injuries and nerve compression, said Ethan Bennett, founder of Sonin. Adding that habitual phone use can exacerbate existing musculoskeletal problems, such as neck and back pain, while also affecting mental health through increased stress and disturbed sleep patterns.

Ethan revealed that identifying indicators of smartphone-induced nerve damage is crucial for early intervention and prevention of long-term complications.

Symptoms such as numbness or tingling in the fingers, hand weakness, and difficulty gripping objects may indicate underlying conditions such as cubital tunnel syndrome or carpal tunnel syndrome (a disorder that occurs when the ulnar nerve is compressed in the tunnel it runs through on the inner side of the elbow).

In addition, you may feel pain or spasm in the fingers and hand muscles, and pain and stiffness in the neck, often referred to as “text neck,” in which the patient experiences neck and back pain due to sitting and bending the head for a long time while using smartphones. And tablet computers), and decreased sensation in the fingers and hands.

Ethan explains: “Knowing when to seek medical attention for symptoms of smartphone-induced nerve damage is essential for timely diagnosis and treatment. Persistent symptoms require immediate evaluation by a healthcare professional because they may indicate carpal tunnel syndrome. If left untreated, they It will lead to carpal tunnel syndrome and can lead to irreversible nerve damage.”

He continued: “In addition, if you are experiencing symptoms of nerve damage, you should seek medical care if your condition significantly affects daily activities or quality of life. Early intervention is critical to effectively manage symptoms and prevent further development of nerve damage.” “This highlights the importance of seeking prompt medical care when experiencing persistent or worrying symptoms.”

To mitigate the risk of nerve damage caused by smartphones and promote overall hand health, implementing practical tips and strategies can be very helpful.

Take breaks from the phone

Prioritize taking regular breaks from smartphone use to allow your hands and wrists to rest and recover. Rest periods can range from 5 minutes to several hours. As long as you keep your phone out of your hand, you are helping your fingers and nerves.

Take the appropriate position

Maintaining proper posture while using smartphones, such as holding the device at eye level to reduce pressure on the neck and shoulders, can help relieve discomfort.

Stretching and exercising

Incorporating stretching and strengthening exercises into your daily routine can help improve flexibility in your hands and wrists, reducing the possibility of injury. Doing simple exercises such as wrist bends, finger extensions and hand fists can promote blood circulation and relieve stress.

Ethan emphasized that prioritizing our digital well-being is not just about reducing the time we use smartphones, but it is about fostering a healthy relationship with technology that supports our physical and mental health.

Source: Mirror - Publication date: 27.06.2024 -


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