Many countries around the world celebrate World Day Pets on November 30 of each year.
It is noteworthy that the idea of celebrating this day was put forward at the International Conference of Supporters of the Nature Protection Movement, which was held in the Italian city of Florence in 1931 when many environmental protection organizations announced their willingness to organize various celebrations dedicated to instilling in people a sense of responsibility for all forms of life on planet Earth. including pets.
Statistics indicate that Hungary ranks first among the countries of the European Union, Switzerland, the United States, and Romania in terms of the number of cats and dogs per thousand people in the population
Here are the top four countries in the number of cats 🐈per 1000 persons.
Hungary =245 cats and 288 dogs
France in the number of cats (234).
Romania & Austria ranks third (227)
Latvia (219)
Here are the top four countries in the number of dogs 🐕🦺/ 1000 persons
Hungry = 288
United States =253
Romania =217
Czech Republic=210
Source News: Published on November 30, 2022 TASS + Agencies @ RT https://ar.rt.com/u9zn