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What can your shadow tell you about your health?

As summer draws to a close, daylight hours are dwindling, making it increasingly difficult to ensure you get enough vitamin D.

How can your shadow tell you about your health?

Vitamin D is essential for healthy bones, teeth and muscles, and plays a role in inhibiting the growth of cancer cells, boosting the immune system and reducing inflammation.

While some foods such as fatty fish or fortified cereals provide vitamin D, exposure to sunlight is still essential to meet daily requirements.

“Vitamin D is essential for overall health,” says Dr Natasha Fernando, medical director at Medichecks. “From supporting the immune system to promoting bone health, it’s essential that we maintain adequate levels.”

However, as the darker, colder months approach, it’s important to assess whether you’re getting enough vitamin D. Fortunately, the health expert offers a simple trick that can help you assess your vitamin D levels.

“Measure your shadow,” advises Dr Fernando. “Even on cloudy days, your body can capture rays from the sun and convert them into vitamin D, but these rays are only likely to be strong enough if your shadow is shorter than you are.”

“If your shadow is longer – or if you have no shadow at all – you probably aren’t getting enough.”

“Just 10 minutes in the sun each day is usually enough but be careful not to get sunburnt. If you’re outside for more than 10 minutes, always use sunscreen. If you’re worried about not getting enough vitamin D from the sun, try adding more vitamin D-rich foods to your diet, such as oily fish, mushrooms, or fortified products like cereals and juices.”

While vitamin D deficiency may go unnoticed, its impact should not be underestimated as it can contribute to serious health conditions such as weak bones and chronic fatigue.

Source: Express - News Link


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