The SputnikUzbekistan channel on Telegram reported that the government of Uzbekistan has launched a national project that encourages residents to walk, through which a car can be won for walking 10,000 steps a day.
The channel noted that the Uzbek authorities announced a national social project called "Environmentally Active Citizens", and for any family to join this project, all its adult members must walk 10,000 steps a day, and after becoming members of the project, they can participate in an annual raffle to win 14 electric cars that will be distributed to citizens in the country.
According to the channel, citizens participating in the project, who have the highest daily walking rates, will also receive a 10% discount on government services and loans from state banks. In order to encourage a walking and a healthy lifestyle, the authorities in Uzbekistan will create an electronic platform called “Healthy Lifestyle”, through which they will encourage exercise and combat unhealthy food.
Source: SputnikUzbekistan + Agencies - Published on 9-1-2025 - https://ar.rt.com/z1wu